It's TWINS!!!
It's TWINS!!!
1st Baby's Name
Miss Azrin
2nd Baby's Name
Miss Alare
Date of Birth
May 1, 2001
Congratulations to the Special Surrogate

Paula (PRLittlefield)
Baby's weight
5 lbs. 4 oz. / 4 lbs. 8 oz.
Monica and Randall,
I know I am, uhhh, a little delayed in posting this (haha, they will be 5 in less than a month!) but I couldn't possibly not let you both know how often I think of you all and how awesome of a journey we shared.  The fact that we continue our friendship means more than you will ever know!  I hope to see you all soon!  We love you all and I know that God really brought us together for our wonderfully amazing journey!  Much love!!!!  Love, Auntie Paula!!


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