It's a BOY!!! It's a BOY!!!
Baby's Name
Joshua Maxwell
Date of Birth
February 27, 2001
Congratulations to the Proud Parents
B & P, the 2 most wonderful IF's in the world!!!
And to their Special Surrogate
Shannon A.
Time of Birth
Baby's weight
7 lbs. 2 oz.
Baby's Length
19 inches
Birth Story:

On Monday, Feb. 26th, I called my IF's to chat and give them an update on how I was feeling. I was miserable, my feet and ankles were so swollen that I could barely move them, and I also wanted to see if they had their bags packed and ready to go, just in case. Well, they didn't, and I lectured them on how babies don't follow a schedule and Joshua could arrive at anytime, and they should be ready to hop on a plane at a moment's notice (they were scheduled to fly out here on the 9th, and my due date was the 13th). That night I didn't feel very well, and I was up until almost 3am. I finally went to bed and tossed and turned, feeling kind of queasy, until 4:15am when I finally dozed off. I had a dream that a nurse told me to go to the bathroom, and after I did I told her that there had been a bit of blood so I assumed that I had lost my mucus plug. Right at that moment I sat straight up in bed and realized that the bed was soaking wet, my water had broke!!! I called my IF's at 6am and said "remember that conversation yesterday and the lecture I gave you? Well, I hope you got your bags packed because my water broke!" I went to the hospital about 7:30am, and was having mild contractions up until they gave me the pitocin, which was at 2pm. Within minutes of receiving the pitocin, they became frequent and painful. I received my epidural (this was my first, I never had an epidural with my first 2 pregnancies)at about 3:30pm, I was dilated to almost 5 at that time, and I even told my anesthesiologist that I was in love with him. Those epidurals are great!!!! Anyhow, at about 5pm I started getting the shakes really bad, normally this happens AFTER I deliver, so I was really surprised by this. The nurses covered me in extra blankets but it didn't help, and so my Aunt, who is an RN also, told the nurse that she thought this was my body's way of saying it was "time", and she should check me. Right before she did, I felt a strange feeling, almost like my catheter had popped out (it didn't hurt though), and some pressure. They got me in position, and I started a few pushes at about 5:30pm. My IF's weren't able to get a flight out in time, they were due to arrive at about 11pm. While on the plane, they decided to call (my friend had her cell phone with her) as they were flying over Modesto on their way into San Francisco airport (I was in the hospital in Modesto) to check in and see how I was doing. This call came in at 5:40pm, and my friend put the phone over the doctor's shoulder as I pushed Joshua out at 5:43pm. They got to hear his first cry, and the whole plane started cheering and congratulating them. Now is that fate or what? I still can't believe that they called when they did. Joshua came out really fast (I only pushed about 3 times), and had the cord wrapped around his neck pretty tightly, so his whole face was black and blue from bruising. He gave us quite a scare in the beginning, but the bruising cleared up in about 4 days, and he is prefectly healthy! He weighed in at 7lbs 2oz, and was 19 inches long. I kept him in my room with me throughout my stay at the hospital (48 hours), we all left the hospital at the same time, and my IF's stayed in town with him for a little over 2 weeks after (they rented a place), so I visited every day and breastfed him, and also pumped my milk for Joshua, which I continue to do (I send it to them). They went back home on the 15th, and it was really hard to say goodbye, but they have called me everyday since they left, so that has helped!!! I hope that all surrogates can have the same close, loving relationship that I have with my IF's. I am so thankful every day for having them in my life (and my family as well), and am looking forward to visiting them in the near future. I will most likely do this again for them since Joshua needs a sibling!!

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